The Magic Potion

The Magic Potion
A Detox Smoothie and Kindness Story

My friend Amy gave me a wonderful gift of caring.   First, she got in contact and asked what she could do for me.   She assured me she was vaccinated and said that if we went for a walk, she could pick me up and would wear a mask. We ended up having a great walk at Ellis Pond, and sat on benches for talk time.   It was one of the first times, I had walked with a friend, in many months.  Before our walk, she researched Parkinson’s with one of her favorite online healers, a “medical medium,” named Anthony William.   He has a theory about heavy metals and their role in causing Parkinson’s.  Amy had printed out for me a bunch of information from him.  Included in the information was a cleansing smoothie to gently detox your body of heavy metals.  He suggests you drink it every day.

 Amy offered to get all the ingredients for me if I wanted to try it.  (This journey has already brought me so many gifts of kindness. Thank you everyone.)

 Hmm: Spirulina powder, Bananas, Barley Grass juice extract powder, fresh Cilantro, frozen Wild Blueberries, Orange Juice and Atlantic Dulse flakes.
All the ingredients I had heard of before (except 'wild' blueberries), and they are good for you.  So, I thought, sure, I would love to try it.  And the caring behind the offer was so loving that I sure felt blessed and thankful.

OK, It's GREEN.  (Until you put in the blueberries and then it's sort of black/purple, yep very black/purple.) And it's a bit bitter, but not hard to drink.  I do feel like I am helping my body to feel good by making it and drinking it.  It feels like I'm making a magic potion.

 The first day, I made enough so my husband could try it.... Steven looked at this black drink and said “Ewwwwww, no thanks.” 

The 2nd day, I made enough for my daughter-in-law to drink it and she said, “Yum, she loves it.” 

The 3rd day I made it for my daughter-in-law and Auntie Christine too.  Both were happy to drink it.

Auntie Christine is the one who christened it the Magic Potion.

I don't know if heavy metals cause Parkinson’s, but I do believe in using alternative medicines and good nutrition is always a plus.  Here's the recipe.  You might want to try it or you might think “ewwwwww .”

 Ingredients For the Magic Potion:

2 bananas (I freeze them)

2 cups of wild blueberries (it's important to use the wild ones because they have more potent antioxidants than the regular ones)

1 cup of fresh cilantro (I haven't used that much, maybe a handful, I'm not fond of cilantro so I'm working up on it. Amy gave me a wonderful tip for storing the fresh cilantro, she said to put the stems in a glass of water and keep the green bouquet in the frig. It's fun to see it in there!)

1 cup of orange juice (I've been using 2 cups of juice)

1 tsp barley grass juice powder

1 tsp Spirulina

1 small handful (around 2 tbsp) of Atlantic Dulse (I have flakes)

optional: water to blend (I haven't used water; I like the thick smoothie)


In a high-speed blender, blend all ingredients until smooth.
This makes enough for two people. Or you can put half in the fridge for later. 

Amy also later lent me a book by Anthony William called “Life-Changing Foods.”  The term “Medical Medium” had made me feel a little leery of reading the book. But that it had a forward written by Christiane Northrup M.D. was reassuring. She had written some books about women's health, that I read a long time ago, and still remembered because they were so good.  

Then when I started reading the book.... I couldn't stop. He talks about 50 individual fruits and vegetables and the amazing benefits they can bestow on you.  There are luscious pictures and a recipe for each one.  I'm not sure how to make this sound as interesting as it turned out to be. I came away with a lot more respect and desire for these fruits and vegetables.


Nancy, who is looking Greener and the Snark (who says Ewwwwww)

Footnotes from Corrine

Yay Amy! Hah! I have no sympathy for Snark, he can ewwww as much as he wants. This sure sounds interesting and I am going to have to give it a go. 


  1. Hello Nancy -- Those blueberries are such powerful health blasters! Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipe and words of love and wisdom. Cheers to our health! Debra

  2. we have a bullet blender so hoping to try this with my wife


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