
It started with Fran saying, name 5 things you are grateful for each night when you go to bed and each morning when you get up.  And she mentioned things like, not needing someone to help you get out of bed or help you to the bathroom.  And I thought Wow, yes, not now, not yet. Could be in my future, but not today.

There is so much to be grateful for. I decided to carry a small notebook to write down things as they happened.  It is so easy to forget the good things that happen in life, so easy to remember the bad.  Sometimes I forget to carry the notebook with me.  I leave it by my bed. When I do, I write 5 things in the morning and at night.

1. I'm sitting here sipping my detox smoothie. I am grateful for it.  And I'm grateful for my friend Amy, who told me about it. And the walk we took yesterday around the pond.  
2.This past week, I have also had the pleasure of going to another friend's house for one of her home- made mochas and a chat.  Kathy's beautifully crafted house is full of her art and many gorgeous, colorful quilts that she has created. We sat by the kitchen windows and watched the squirrels perform a squirrel circus for us. Kathy put out a plate full of peanuts in the shell for them.  One handsome fellow, stood on the picnic table, that was placed right in front of the window.  He held a peanut in his tiny paws and started eating. Birds flew into the trees and the small fish pond behind him had water cascading over rocks.  Another squirrel came to share the feast. Our first squirrel chased him in a wild dash around the yard. On the fence a dainty black and white cat sat and stared silently. Thank you Kathy, I will hold that vision in my mind for a long time. 

3.Watching Corrine laugh, during our regular Tuesday Morning Zoom Chat, is a wonderful pleasure. 

4.You caring to read this post is something I am very grateful for. 

5. What are you grateful for today? I'd love to hear about it. When anyone writes their story or thoughts or tips in the comments, I really appreciate it, it makes me feel connected.


Nancy and the Snark

Footnotes from Corrine
I am grateful to an elder in the nursing home I worked at as  an auxillary nurse as a young woman who advised me to "make memories" . She said that to live life that way I will find that the memories will sustain me, comfort me and  remind me of the importance of making more each and every day. Basically she was saying that each day is an opportunity and a blessing to cherish and find something beautiful about.  I love the idea of having a notebook and writing down the small things that happen daily that we are grateful for.
Today I am grateful for meeting you Nancy.


  1. 1. I am grateful to be able to see colors.
    2. I am grateful to be connected to a friend such as you, who always, without fail, opens my heart, merely by being yourself, by existing in your particular essence, and who always, without fail, and without words, teaches me to be kinder and to know that I am deserving of love.
    3. I am grateful for my cats, and my husband (you see you came first there!), who provide a supportive family.
    4. I am grateful that I am able to eat, that I can choose what to eat, that I can afford to buy what I want to eat, and that there are so many, many delicious foods to savor. (My latest enthusiasm is Medicinal Mushrooms. I should have a button made that says, "Ask me about Medicinal Mushrooms.")
    5. I am grateful to be writing this list, which I intend to do every day now. Thank you for sharing this practice.
    Love you, Amy

    1. Thank you Amy, it was a joy to read what you are grateful for! Next time we go for a walk I will ask about medicinal mushrooms.

  2. A large part of my prayers each night is giving thanks for things that happened through the day. If the day was rotten, that list can be short but no less profound - not everyone has the blessing of a loving home, enough to eat, a roof over their heads...sure can put a positive spin to the end a day!


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