Parkinson's: The Tremulous Tongue

That's Weird!

I ran out to show Steven. My tongue was trembling! Or at least I thought it was. So I asked him do you see it? Yes, he did. It was definitely weird. (You may possibly be thinking it is a bit weird how I got to notice that my tongue was trembling.) I was making faces in the bathroom mirror. Do you make faces at yourself in the mirror? I think I have always entertained myself that way.
I called it my first Tremor sighting. I could stop it by flexing it and didn't feel it tremble when in my mouth. Actually I have had short spurts of trembling in a finger every once in a while. But this was definitely weird and since it didn't hurt, and I could stop it, it was kind of cool in a weird way.

So this is going to be a Parkinson's check in blog.

I'm doing OK. Not (I hope) to the point of being F.I.N.E. That is what the magnificently strange poet in Louise Penny's Gamache series answers to the question “How are you?”

"I'm F.I.N.E.” 

It stands for Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Egotistical. 

I also love Sylvia Boorstein's stand that when we say we are OK, it is not that we are not facing serious life problems, but just that we are managing gracefully.

There are days when I worry, but then so does everyone. 

I am still struggling with not sleeping past 2-3 am many nights. I get up to go to the bathroom and that's it. My neurologist, told me that 4 potty breaks, a night is excessive and might be part of the problem. She suggested seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist. Amazingly at the same time, I got 2 wonderful recommendations from friends, for the same pelvic floor PT. And she is near where I live. Which is grand. But I probably will not be reporting in about the details of the sessions, They are a little weird.

Which brings us full circle,

Cheers to all the weirdness in life,

Nancy & the Snark


  1. Thank you so much for the openness and willingness to share your journey. My tremor in my right arm seems to be a little worse (although I can still brush my teeth and miraculously I'm doing better with my typing, although not easy), and I get exhausted by late afternoon to the point where my talking requires more effort. I'm with my wife, 7 month granddaughter, step-daughter and her dog in Hawaii. Appreciating and celebrating my privilege at the present time keeps me in peace and joy. So many heroes and heroines are helping those less fortunate. They remind me to do the same. That gives me strength.

    1. Hi Neil, we were just wondering if you were home yet. I sometimes have trouble with talking too. That is a clear way to describe it. Sometimes talking requires more effort. My voice feels thick and slower . Stay in peace and joy my friend. We all look forward to having you home.

    2. Good morning, It's 6:30 am Tuesday morning. I think I forgot to take melatonin last night. It usually works wonders if one can remember to take it. Fall asleep fast, and stay asleep longer.
      See if you can take it.
      Google it. I google everything. The best price is Dollar General. 4 bucks for 10 ml.
      Hawaii! I keep saying we should all live in Hawaii.
      I will email you directly.
      All my love, Annette


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