Parkinson's: Toots takes a Sabbatical

 Snarky Parky & me 
A journey Into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon
Blog Coordinated by Corrine Bayraktaroglu

Tips From Toots

I have a new handle. Toots

Where did I get it from and why do I need one?

Susan Wranik asked The Conversation Club, what is their handle? At the time I couldn't think of what mine would be. Then last week, in Paul's guest post, he asked us to start laughing at the ludicrous moments that Parkinson's gives us instead of always battling with them. I am going to tell you about 3 of mine, that I did in one day

  1. I did a spit take at my husband.

We were setting up to do my eye exercises.

I have gotten a bit anxious about swallowing. Whether or not I need to be anxious about it, I do not know. Blame it on Parkinson's. (Have you heard the song on you tube? ) A couple of times a month, I get a little food or water down the wrong windpipe and need to hack it out. Because of my anxiety, (or because I am a tad goofy,) I sometimes take a drink of water and hold it in my mouth until I remember it is there and swallow it.

  1. The night of the spit take, I had a swallow in the wallow, when I turned to face Steven, Who took one look and said “OOOOH no, swallow first!” At which, I devilishly, took a second, sloooow swallow. (I had 2 cheeks full-think chipmunk style.) When I saw his expression, I guffawed, my hands flew to my mouth, I tried to stop the gush, and well.. the spit take happened.

  2. Steven filled in the blank in my sentence with the word “Decrepit.” We were in the midst of the massage that Steven gives me every night to help my muscles relax I was apologizing for being so..ridiclpuss, so slow, so.....________hmm..(not doing so well with finding the word I want...______?) “Decrepit.” he says.

  3. I SAY "Decrepit?!!"

    I got the giggles and was tooting with every laugh I did. And I was not able to stop laughing or tooting. (Steven was laughing too. It was a wonderful moment!)

At some points in every day I am a bit of a mess.   (cut to “Blame it on the Parkinson's”)

How are you doing with laughing at your Snark filled moments? Anyone like to tell us about them?


Nancy & the Snark

PS Announcing- flourish of horns- I am taking a vacation from writing posts for Snarky Parky & me. The pool is calling, the sun is shining and the Doctor visits are plentiful. I hope to begin again in the Fall. In the meantime, if anyone wants to write a post or send me a picture of you having fun in the sun, Corrine said she will happily post them.

Make some great summer moments,

Nancy & the Snark.


  1. Nice post, grand stories, and a loving husband. Nice time for you

    1. Thank you for reading the post, cheers, Toots

  2. Great words as usual! Goofy is the best. Groucho was my favorite at that. A tinge of sarcasm and even a tinge of dark reality that is made fun of. Woody Allen said something like " I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be there when it happens. " Besides finding and even creating the "funny," it helps to pursue what our heart tells us to do no matter how scared we may get. I will miss your posts, but I am so glad you are taking a break. Keep tooting. Sarah Silverman said that when all else fails to get a laugh, tell a poop joke. Back in N.Y., where I grew up, my father's comment about a crazy driver was, "He drives like a poop on a hot skillet." Thank you for all you do. take care, Neil

    1. Poop on a hot skillet šŸ¤£ I’m to have to remember that one .thanks for the funny visual.

    2. Goofy is the best! My boys, all 3 of them, love Groucho's sense of humor too. Every year, when Kelsey and Bren were growing up, they used to have a Marx Brothers New Year's Eve party. As many of the films as they could keep their eyes open for and lots of snacks.

  3. I will miss your lovely posts during your much deserved break. Certainly I will look forward to their return this Fall. Meanwhile, I am know you will thoroughly enjoy this time of concentration on meaningful, silly and goofy moments with your loving family. How fortunate you and they are to have each other. Your journey with Snarky Parky together, is an inspiration.

    1. Thank you Jonatha, it is good to hear from you. Will you have many guests this summer?


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