Parkinson's: That Word “Degenerative”

A Journey into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon
Coordinated by the Great Brit Corrine Bayraktaroglu

Note to self- if up at night, don't read a Parkinson's pamphlet.  The first thing they tell you in all of them, is what Parkinson's is and that Parkinson's is a Degenerative Disease.  I looked it up, (though I know what it means) but to be specific, the dictionary says- “Degenerative” -getting steadily worse.

So while I was trying to nap today, I thought about am I getting steadily worse?

Yep, I think I am.

But am I? You can be on hold, thanks to “vigorous” exercise. I'm not sure if I ever make it up to vigorous. I certainly get tired out before I “break a sweat.”  Breaking a sweat is the term brought up in all the exercise articles.  I don't even glow.

My sleep is for the pits, is it possible for it to get better?  (I sure hope it is not possible for it to get worse!) I am trying different things, most of which, I have discussed in past posts.  Last night I counted from 300 in 3's backwards at least 5 times and twice counted by 3's forward.  I have learned that there is a pattern and it has gotten easy to do it but has it helped me fall asleep?  No.

 I regularly get up and have a glass of warm milk and a piece of toast. Which I enjoy, it is soothing and I read something boring like a Parkinson's pamphlet, (no don't do that!) but does it help? No.

Though I would still suggest you doing it because it is a pleasant way to spend some hours in the middle of the night.

 The Restful Legs Homeopathic remedy that I am trying seemed to help for a couple of nights, but... then it didn't.

 I have used the self-talk app. I like it but am not sure what it is doing for me yet.  My brain is not reprogrammed to sleep, instead it yammers on and on.  Good word “Yammer. I wonder if that is a real word. Back to the dictionary.”  OK the dictionary sent me to idioms- “to talk volubly about something especially in an annoying, complaining or peevish manner.”  Oo boy, that doesn't sound good.

  My brain seems to be having more trouble remembering words.  I am doing a lot of “can you please get down that thingy for me Bren.”  “You know.. the brown thingy,... up there”  as I point vaguely in the direction of the shelves in the kitchen.  Brendon of course seeing the chance to pull my pony tail says “what thingy mom?” He was the one who had put it up for me on the shelf the day before and knows what I am trying to say. He smiles and says “I know, I'm just being a stinker.”

 To not yammer on, I will end this by saying at the moment, the snark is being a brat.



Nancy and the SNARK

Footnotes from Corrine
Oh, for a good nights sleep!
I can't believe how many thingy's are out there. I am always looking for the blasted thingy's. As for a solid night's sleep, arg it's at times elusive. I empathize my friend. Snarky seems to love playing havoc with you. I am giving him the stinky eye for sure.


  1. So sorry the Restful Legs isn't working. Sometimes I think we should form an online club for insomniacs, so that when you are awake in the wee hours, you could check in with fellow sufferers. Those are the hours when you think you are the only person in the world awake. All are welcome, except Snarky.

  2. I agree that "degenerative" is one of the hardest parts of this journey. What I find helps sometimes is : staying in the present and having gratitude for what I do have. Thank you for sharing your journey. Neil


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