Parkinson's: Wrestling with the Snark

 A Journey Into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon
Coordinated by my Art Partner & Dear Friend Corrine Bayraktaroglu
Last night was a nasty night of no sleep. I am feeling dog tired today and weary of the fight. It was a night of wrestling with the Snark, everything ached and twitched and jerked for hour upon hour.   If you have ever experienced Restless Legs Syndrome raise your hand.  I'm not sure that is what I've got but it sure fits the descriptions.  It doesn't happen every night or even the whole night through.  But when it visits me, I know the Snark is in bed with me and probably has a pitchfork in his hand.

So, I brought it up to my Dancing with Parkinson's group and our wonderful, Leader/ Dancer Jill said “you might want to try a homeopathic remedy for Restful Legs.” Yep, they call it Restful.   Immediately after our class, I high tailed it over to 'Rosies' our local Herbal, everything natural store. Tonight, I will give it a try. Toes crossed it works for me.  They have a homeopathic remedy for cramps in your legs that I have been using for years. I remember reading many years ago that the Queen of England uses homeopathic remedies.  If it's good enough for Elizabeth it's good enough for me!   And look how long she has lived!

Tracy also made a suggestion.  Before she goes to bed, she listens to an app for sleep   It's from “Self-Talk.”  I went on line to get more information.  The idea is to fill your brain with positive statements to replace the negative talk in your head.

Many times, over my life, for comfort, and to help me turn my thoughts around, I've dipped into Norman Vincent Peale's book “The Power of Positive Thinking.” (I've also read all his other books too.) So this was very familiar to me and something that I have used to help myself often. But I've never had a positive self-talk app that you can play in the background as you go about your daily chores. These short positive statement apps are for different problems that people struggle with, like stress, weight loss, and sleep. They are not religion based as Mr. Peale's work is. Which is good for me now, in my strange state of a spiritual belief mash up. (A little bit of this, a little bit of that, not sure what I am anymore.)  You can try self-talk out for one month for free.

My neurologist had offered me a long acting cardopa/levadopa pill to help with sleep. Last night, I was very tempted to write her and say YES, give me a prescription. But I don't want to take more medication.  So we will wrestle a little longer and see what we can do to fix the problem.

May you sleep with the angels, not a Snark,


Footnotes From Corrine
Yes, I get restless leg syndrome now and again and it is so darned uncomfortable. I have taken the restless med  but I've found just getting up and walking around more helpful and it’s a reminder I need to eat more iron rich foods to help keep restless leg syndrome at bay.  Sad to say your's is a wee bit more complicated due to that blasted Snark who seems to attached himself to you  đź™„ 


  1. Here's hoping the homeopathic remedy works! Snarky needs to take a hike.

    1. yep, it does to a degree. but then again there are still nights when it doesn't sigh

  2. Hoping and praying and thinking positive thoughts your way. Sleep is so precious. take care, Neil

    1. Thank you Neil, sending all blessings back to you as you heal from your fall.


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