Parkinson's: A Poem by the Snark and Me


A Journey into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon 
Coordinated by Corrine Bayraktaroglu


Each line begins with a letter of the alphabet.
A Poem By the Snark & Me

A is for -An Abecedarian
B- 'bout me!
C is for -Call me Mr. Snark
D- Don't forget who is boss here, I AM.
E-Excellent, now we all know
F-(Fat chance she has of leaving me behind)
G, golly, gosheroonie,
who does she think she is,
Miss Loonie Toonie?
H is for- Hate her smiling all the time
I- I will win. It's my rhyme!
J- Just wait a minute Snark, Let's have a talk.
K, is for Keeping my chin up, finding tiny joys that exist in each moment.
L, is for Learning so many new things every day,
M, is for Me, sorry not you Snark.
N, is for Nutritiona Heavy Metal Smoothie each day.
O, is for Organizing my days, to fit in a lot of movement,
especially Snark, Rock Steady Boxing.
Remember I  Box!
P, is for the amazing Possibility of enjoying my life, with you Snark.
Q- Quiet Snark, hush, It is my body you have the pleasure to live in.
R is for, Rigid, you are a right, rigid old bastard.
S, is for Smiling. You may not like me smiling Snarky, but I will!
T, is for Tired, you steal my sleep with Twitching! Snarky why are you Twitching?
U, is for you, Snark. How are U doing?
V, is for Vibrant.  I think, I can be vibrant with you in the house.
W -What are you here for?  Why are you mad at me?
X, is for X'cuse me? You are not the boss of me, you silly, old coot.
Y- You will not win, but we are roommates for now.
Z - Zzzzzzz is for sleeping

Good night Snark.

Footnotes From Corrine
I used a picture of a bowl of soup courtesy of Sigmund at Unsplash because our lives are like a bowl of alphabet soup, everything tossed into the bowl. As we age and go through life  experiences it seems like we need to keep tweaking the recipe to keep all the flavours balanced.
Not easy when C for Crapola gets tossed in the bowl and C for Creativity  and G for grattitude is called upon in herculean efforts to bring things back into balance.
Goodnight Snark you little bastard.


  1. Great poem ; tried to find an english expression. CLosest I got was Keeping your chin up but my feeling is the British version is keeping your pecker up and chin is the American version although wew use chin in England nowadays . . I will keep looking

    1. Nancy has heard me say bastard , which isn't a word Americans generally use 🙂

    2. hi Patrick, you are a hoot! I've heard it both ways. The expression that I have heard Corrine use was that "he was a right .........(fill in the blank) old bastard." I don't know why, but it makes me smile.

  2. Nancy, You are an amazing lady!!!

  3. Love this poem! Thanks! So creative!

  4. Another terrific blog post. This poem is a total winner! We all notice and so love your beautiful smile, Nancy. I love how it is emphasized in this poem. When we crossed paths on our walks last Sunday, that great smile said it all. You, Steve and the Grandaughters were positively glowing with the joy of being together, on a perfect sunny day. It was so beautiful to see! I keep having that great image of you on that walk. It said so much about how well you are strongly maintaining the YOU in your relationship with Snarky. And by the way, I love you in pink!


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