Parkinson's: Covid and What a Lovely Bag of Bones


A Journey Into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon
Coordinated by Corrine Bayraktaroglu

Utter Nonsense
A COVID Isolation Poem

Corrine said “Why don't you put it in your next post?”  'It' being a short  poem, I had just declaimed to her, with great gusto, (but little breath, after all I did still have COVID.)  I was not declaiming in person, of course, it was our regular Tuesday Skype.  I had written it the night before, during a long night with me, myself, and I in my bedroom. 

This was day 9, of long nights and long days, mostly spent, isolating in my bedroom. Even a gentle COVID was the pits by day 9.

I said “No, what does it have to do with Parkinson's?” 

She said, “You have COVID and you have Parkinson's. “

Hmm, I thought, “it's already written, why not?  OK.” Soo here goes:

An Ode To Me

 In COVID Isolation


What a Lovely Bag of Bones,  I am

So Fragile  -   yet so Sturdy


My Skin- like unpeeled fruit,

Holds secret smells inside-

Some Good,  Some Bad,

Some Stinkeee.


My Skin- so soft,

so springy,

wraps round my inner stones.

Keeping Everything,

Keep  Everything!

inside my loverly bones.


A curling ribbon of thought,


Prancing about.

Sings an ode,  to the gift,

Of my lovely bag of bones


On a cold winter night,

Beneath a downy quilt,

I snuggle up

with myself,


in the content

of me.


Be well,

Nancy and the Snark

Footnotes From Corrine
I'm so glad you shared your poem AND that you are on the mend. 



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