Parkinson's: Covid and What a Lovely Bag of Bones
Corrine said “Why don't you put it in your next post?” 'It' being a short poem, I had just declaimed to her, with great gusto, (but little breath, after all I did still have COVID.) I was not declaiming in person, of course, it was our regular Tuesday Skype. I had written it the night before, during a long night with me, myself, and I in my bedroom.
This was day 9, of long nights and long days, mostly
spent, isolating in my bedroom. Even a gentle COVID was the pits by day 9.
I said “No, what does it have to do with
She said, “You have COVID and you have Parkinson's. “
Hmm, I thought, “it's already written, why not? OK.” Soo here goes:
An Ode To Me
In COVID Isolation
What a Lovely Bag of Bones, I am
So Fragile
- yet so Sturdy
My Skin- like unpeeled fruit,
Holds secret smells inside-
Some Good, Some
Some Stinkeee.
My Skin- so soft,
so springy,
wraps round my inner stones.
Keeping Everything,
inside my loverly bones.
A curling ribbon of thought,
Prancing about.
Sings an ode,
to the gift,
Of my lovely bag of bones
On a cold winter night,
Beneath a downy quilt,
I snuggle up
with myself,
in the content
of me.
and the Snark
Thank you Julia.