Parkinson’s: This and That and Meh!

A Journey Into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon 
Coordinated by Corrine Bayraktaroglu 

This and That and Meh!
The Meh! Is Corrine's idea, I like it!

It's Sunday Night, the week before Christmas and I haven't written my Blog yet. I've just come from a neighborhood, cookie exchange, get together. And somehow I found myself there without my glasses. I had taken my carbidopa/levodopa dose right before I left home. So I was moving a bit stiff but I only had to walk next door, so I didn't notice that I wasn't exactly seeing things clearly, until I was in the house for about 5 minutes. I felt off but I often feel off before my next dose clicks in. Everything and everyone was in soft focus. But I couldn't figure out what the problem was. While I was thinking about it, I'd started to take off my coat and had one side hanging over my belly bag, when realized I needed to take off that belly bag first and also needed to put down the damn bag of cookies I had clutched in my other hand. So I was standing with my coat half off and the bag of cookies still in my hand but first I tried unhooking my belly bag and found myself kind of trapped between my coat and my bags- both belly and cookies.. 

I had to start over. Feeling a little foolish, I looked around and realized 2 things: I needed to put my coat in the bedroom and I was the only one wearing a mask. Everyone else was also drinking wine and eating snacks and talking to each other.   I looked at the table full of snacks, snacks that strangely I couldn't see very well. What were they eating? I put down my bag of cookies on the table and looked kind of vaguely around. Do I take my mask off or leave it on? I left it on. Then I sort of discretely lurched my way to the bedroom and put down my coat. (have I mentioned my balance has been a little off lately? I also fell yesterday, on a bunch of rolling, around Christmas tree balls. But I think you would have too. Oh... maybe you have Parkinson's too. OK, maybe you wouldn't have fallen, well you might have, but I wouldn't wish it on you. I bled like a son of a gun. Where does that expression come from?) 

Back at the cookie exchange: I still hadn't figured out that I was not wearing my glasses. I greeted a few people (who I could see pretty clearly, but didn't know who they were anyway, but they knew me,) and groped my way to my belly bag that I was pleased to find I'd dumped in a kitchen chair,. Then I sort of felt my face up from my mask and “Whoah!”my glasses were not on my eyes. I was stunned, I was only wearing a mask,- there was all this softness above my mask, no hard edges. That was very discombobulating.. 

While I was feeling my face, I was offered food and drink, neither of which I could take, right after taking my medicine. Which is a bit of a bummer socially, because you don't have anything to do with your hands and you can't smile and turn away to get something. That plus, no lady like wine to sip to help soften the blow of the brain fog on names and the completely unexpected vision fog on top of it!

This is a little weird folks. I never go anywhere without my glasses.

Of course, I am wondering is this Parkinson's?

I have been reading a wonderful book by a farmer/lecturer/author

 called  “Folks, This aint natural.” Hence, from now on you might be called Folks.

Anywho, Happy Hanukkah (I forgot to play Dreidel with the girls tonight, I had them practice spinning the dreidel, had found the information on how to play and what the signs meant on each side and had my markers ready and then forgot- sheesh)

And Merry Christmas to one and all! We did finally put up the tree yesterday, got down all the Christmas boxes (watch out for the boxes full of balls Folks)

The little girls were thrilled to decorate it today!

Nancy and the Snark are going to have an early bedtime tonight. 

Maybe not, I just checked the time.

To all a good night!

Footnotes from Corrine - I have been saying meh A lot lately 🤪 so I’m guessing I’m the inspirer of meh’s although I am not sure I feel meh about you being discombobulated. 

May the season be blessed 
Happy Holidays 


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