Parkinson's: An Invitation to Guest Posts


A Journey Into Parkinson's with Nancy Mellon
Coordinated by Corrine Bayraktaroglu

Your Voice

Image Courtesy of Dariusz Sankowski at Pixabay

Guest Posts on the Last Monday of the Month 

I would like to invite you to write a post.  When I started writing this blog my idea was to have somewhere to talk about having Parkinson's and what I was going through.  A place to mull it out, a place to connect with others.  It has been very good for me.  Lately, it has morphed more and more into wanting to build a community, where we could talk about Parkinson's together with honesty and humor. 

I wanted to be heard.  I also want to hear from you.

We all have different Parkinson's stories. No one has the same set of symptoms or has this disease progress in the same way.  As I have reminded myself over and over “It is not my mother's Parkinson's.”  The wisdom we have each garnered from living our lives is different too.

I would like very much to hear what you have to say about your journey with Parkinson's.

I have heard snippets and I thank you for them.  But being a greedy cuss, I want more.

So you are here by invited to write a post and tell us your story.  Or don't,  just meander your way through a post about what you have read or what you have heard that was helpful.  Or write a poem to the snark or write about struggling with acceptance or.... I think you get the idea.  Just write something about your life with Parkinson's.

Please don't feel bad if you don't want to write a post. Do whatever feels good for you.

A post is usually a page or two.  But if you are on a roll, keep writing or make it a 2 part post for 2 Mondays.  When you are done writing, send it to me. Your post will go in the last post of the month.

Next Monday, Neil Silvert has graciously taken up the challenge and written a post.

Thank you Neil!


Nancy and the Snark


  1. You are a shining star sis. inspiring others. Mom would be so proud.
    Writing was her work and passion. You as well, write with passion. Sharing and caring! Hugs ❤️


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